Min bröd- och matblogg

It finally happened!

This blog has been long in the making, I’ve been wanting to record my bread and food recipes for a long time. Mostly for myself, as I tend to try out recipes I find on the internet but shape them into my own dish or bread.

When I started making sourdough bread I noticed right away that small changes to the way I was making the bread resulted in different kinds of bread, much to my annoyance 😉 An extra hour of proofing (leaving the dough to rest / fermentation) could result in a flatter bread, too much rye would also result in a flatter bread and too little water would make it dry. How would I remember from my “mistakes”? Could I explain how to get started with sourdough baking to my friends and family? Some had already gotten a bit of my starter, some were successful yet some failed to get results.

My recipe blog idea sprang to life yet again! Looking for a domain name was tough though, so I played around with the words “bread” “baking” and finally decided on breadero.se.

I’m happy to share my journey into the world of sourdough, food and cookies with you.

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