My journey

How I got here, why I’m still here

My journey with bread baking began in 2016 and at that time I was quite lazy, trying to achieve tasty breakfast buns with yeast and a touch of rye to get that “sourdough” taste which I remember from my childhood in Poland.
The buns were actually really easy to make, you just mixed the dough in the evening and let it rise until morning and baked the buns in the oven. I didn’t change the recipe much over time, but put sunflower seeds, raisins, cranberries, walnuts or pumpin seeds in it to get some variation.

I tried making my own sourdough starter a few times in 2016/2017 and finally after the third try I successfully had an active starter. Still being lazy and switching apartments at that time led to it being thrown out before I had a chance to use it.

In 2018 I became a father and I guess it ignited a spark in me to make something other than breakfast buns, focaccia etc on yeast. So I starting reading up on how to make a starter and tried finding an easy to follow recipe for sourdough bread.

To this day (2019) I’m still doing a variation of that recipe but I’ve picked up a few tricks, bought some equipment and gotten aquainted with my starter. Oh and I’ve found a great resource on facebook, a swedish sourdough group where I can get ideas and feedback when needed.

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